Monday, September 29, 2008

That Darn Cat

Sporty is the T-man's cat. I tolerate Sporty because the T-man loves him. Lately Sporty has decided to make me miserable by hanging out under my computer desk and tickling my feet. I do not put up with tickling. Even my ex-husband could be trained to not tickle me. So, I filled a spray bottle with water and waited for the next tickle attack.

The cat actually likes being sprayed with water.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Look Quick!

I'm still ahead of the Knitting Wonder Woman, but I've heard that she has cast on. I expect her to be ahead of me before long.

I Think That I Am In The Lead

Hey Kim and Julsey, are you satisfied with the improved frequency of blog posts?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ready, Set, Go!

Kim and I are off on an adventure. We have decided to try some new knitting techniques. We are starting small with this pattern. I've got my yarn and and a new gadget ready to go.

The pattern calls for a thinner yarn, but I'm using what I have on hand -- Cascade 220. Hopefully it will end up fitting one of my nieces' dolls.
I need to hurry and cast on before the Knitting Wonder Woman finishes hers.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Real Post

Since yesterday I shamelessly poked fun at my dear friend Kim, I thought that I owed her a real post today.
I am test knitting a pattern for her. The yarn is Cascade 220.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What does it take?

I know that some of you are wondering what it takes to get me to actually do a post for my blog. Well, something monumental happened today and I must share it with you.

Kim did math.

All on her own.

For real.