I felt terrible at work on Thursday, 3/1/07. I thought that it was just that I was tired. Both times Pops had been in the hospital had taken its toll on me and I had worked late on Wednesday. I made it through Thursday and was still dragging on Friday. I came in Friday evening with the house to myself. The T-man was with his dad for the weekend. I went to bed at 8 pm.
When I woke up Saturday morning, I knew that it was more than tired. I was sick. I was so sick that when the T-man came home on Sunday, I sent him to his grandparents' house. I would not let anyone around me. My parents left me little care packages at my door and called to check on me. I stayed home Monday and still was not better. I went to the doctor on Tuesday. After two rounds of antibiotics and a week off from work, I finally started to get better. I remember picking up my knitting around Wednesday and thinking it was just too hard to do right then and I was only trying to knit a hat on a circular needle. I was so sick that even the cat was nice to me. (She and I have a running battle over who is in charge -- I think she is worse than a teenager, but check back with me on that one after I actually have a teenager.)
After I quit running a fever, Mr. T returned home. I really missed him. He must have missed me, because he cooked supper for me one night. We had french bread three-meat pizzas. When he wanted supper a couple of nights later, I asked him what was he going to cook. He responded that the night he cooked was just a "freak accident."
I finally recovered enough to do some things (photos follow) and return to work at about 3/4 time this week. I even made it to the two soccer games (missed the one last week.) I'm proud to report that the T-man's team is undefeated.
Kim knew how sick I was and sent the stitch markers below to cheer me up.

They came the first day that I returned to work. Kim had sent me a picture of one of the stitch markers when she made it, but Mr. T did not know this. He handed me my mail and speculated about the contents. I turned the envelope several ways and carefully inspected it and told him that I thought it was a double loop stitch marker that said "Kelly". The look on his face when I opened the envelop was priceless. I never told him how I knew.
Just in case you can't read that last one, it says "Math Geek". Kim and I are so much alike that its really funny. However, we don't agree on math. I'm working on her. She will learn to see the beauty of math.
As example of how much we are alike, guess what I was working on while she was making my stitch markers?
As I started to recover, I felt like making stitch markers. I started with one with my other name and then just kept going.

Hey Kim, since you met the challenge do you want to pick a stitch marker for your prize?

The pattern is from Kwik Sew #2921 and was not hard to make. I believe that Niece K and her parents wear denim overalls, so I think she will really like these.
The overall buckles are made by JHB buttons and are available in the button section of fabric stores.

I finally managed to finish this hat. It (and the hats below) is going to Russia to help keep kids warm.
When I was in the LYS Saturday and looked again at the hat that inspired this one, I realized that I need to start writing things down instead of counting on my memory. I like this one anyway.

Updated: I found the labels. The green is Cascade 220 color #7814. The other yarn is Cascade Quatro color #8440. I've been calling it red, but it really is a mixture of purple, green , and pink.

I am not pleased with these mittens. They do look better when on Mr. T's hand, but he was not available for a photo shoot today. He likes them, so I guess that I am just being too picky. I'm not sure if I just don't like the pattern or if I don't like knitting mittens out of bulky yarn. This set should fit a young teen.

I divided the yarn into two roughly equal balls and cast on two different needles. Once the toe was finished on the first sock, I did the toe on the second sock. I’m now alternating between the two until I get them both the point of putting in the waste yarn for an afterthought/peasant heel. I like that heel for self-stripping yarns. Knitting in this manner helps me make them both the same and not suffer from SSS.