First, Niece A got her knitting needles, beginning of her stash, and a Pink Cinderella knitting bag. She was very excited. She is ready to learn to knit, but we did not have time for a lesson today. These needles are so cute.
She enjoyed putting all her knitting stuff in her bag and carrying it around. She also got a set of knitting looms and some yarn from someone else.
She loved the doll shirts. The pink butterflies was her favorite. The rest of Plan B was cookie decorating stuff to use with her Easy Bake Oven that she got for Christmas. Cookie cutters, icing, sprinkles, and edible markers. This was also a big hit.

Enabling Part 2

Now, here is the serious enabling part, check out the other patterns by this designer. I bought my pattern from the folks at Carodan Farm and then took a look at the designer's site. There are several patterns that will definitely be going on my wish list.
I hope this post turns out OK. It looks right on one screen and all messed up on another. I would rather knit than spend any more time fooling with this, so if it looks bad, it may stay that way.