Does this give you an idea of what things have been like lately?
It all started on Saturday, January 20th. I taught two beginning sock knitting classes. Both were entertaining groups and I learned a lot about structuring the classes. I got home around 5 pm, pretty much worn out. I walked over to my parents' house to find them getting ready to leave for the emergency room. Daddy had not been feeling good lately but the doctors could not put a finger on the specific problem. Saturday the symptoms changed and it appeared that we were dealing with appendicitis. I ran to grab some knitting and went with them. When you are 70 and have a heart condition, you don't go just anywhere even for routine issues. We went to Crawford Long in Atlanta. It is about an hour and a half away and I had to drive them.
We got there around 7 pm. Around 4 am, the diagnosis of appendicitis was confirmed and Daddy was admitted to the hospital. I went to move the car from the Emergency Room parking to the regular parking deck. I accidentally lowered the back window instead of the driver's side when I got the parking time thing. The window would not come back up. Here I am, its 4:30 am and I am in a downtown Atlanta parking garage all by myself with a stuck window. I moved everything to the trunk, locked the glove compartment, and parked under a light.
Daddy asked the ER nurse for a roll of tape that they use on people and told me not to worry about it until one of my brothers got there.
Surgery was delayed since Daddy was on 3 blood thinners. While in surgery, he started bleeding and they had a hard time stopping it. After several days in ICU and then finally a regular room, Daddy is coming home today or tomorrow. Since I have their car, I'll be heading out to get them.
The rest of the window story...Armed with hospital tape, Brother H, Sister-in-law B, and I got the window in place. My brother wedged in a folded-up map to help hold the window. It held great...until about the time we were merging onto the interstate in downtown Atlanta. I told the T-man to turn on the heater and deal with it. We were not stopping there, and I needed time to think. We drove on to Hobby Lobby which was a previously scheduled stop (0f course) and I thought that surely they would have some plastic that I could use to cover the window. They did not. However, I bought some poster board which they put in a really big plastic bag. I asked for an another bag. Using the rest of the trusty hospital tape, I covered the window. Mr. T was very curious about how I would manage to cover the window and was impressed with my solution (especially since that meant lunch was the next stop, not Wal-mart to buy plastic). He said "Mom, you are smart!". Music to my ears since everyone knows that when you are 12, your parents don't know anything.
This has been a rough week on all of us, but God is good and we got through it all. It was a bad week for me to miss three days of work, but I still managed to finish up two major projects. I just have to catch up on grading papers and lesson planning. I was even able to teach the second session of the knitting classes that I started last week. Hopefully things will be more like normal this coming week.
Note to Anonymous: I didn't have the title just right. The card is "A Poem for Your Birthday: All About Farts" published by American Greetings. I got mine at Wal-Mart. The T-Man (age 12) thinks it is funny.
More on hospital knitting later. I have to get a shower and hurry up to wait on the doctors to decide when Daddy gets to leave.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
This was the least of my concerns...
Posted by
Aunt Sally
8:18 AM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I Posted First

P.S. Well, there is one more thing. The next son to have a birthday will get the "Dictionary of Farting" card that I saw the other day.
Posted by
Aunt Sally
10:22 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
This is what you look like at your daughter's birthday party if you are a photographer.
Because of family concerns about putting too much information on the Internet and the public nature of my job, I will rarely post a picture of a person and will try to remain pretty anonymous. However, I figure this picture is safe. This is how my brother, the professional photographer, looked 90% of the time at Niece A's birthday party. The party was at his studio. See that thing sticking out of the top of his camera that looks like some sort of remote control antennae? He had the place rigged for super powered flashes to go off in the room anytime he took a picture.
Posted by
Aunt Sally
10:14 PM
First, Niece A got her knitting needles, beginning of her stash, and a Pink Cinderella knitting bag. She was very excited. She is ready to learn to knit, but we did not have time for a lesson today. These needles are so cute.
She enjoyed putting all her knitting stuff in her bag and carrying it around. She also got a set of knitting looms and some yarn from someone else.
She loved the doll shirts. The pink butterflies was her favorite. The rest of Plan B was cookie decorating stuff to use with her Easy Bake Oven that she got for Christmas. Cookie cutters, icing, sprinkles, and edible markers. This was also a big hit.

I hope this post turns out OK. It looks right on one screen and all messed up on another. I would rather knit than spend any more time fooling with this, so if it looks bad, it may stay that way.
Posted by
Aunt Sally
8:17 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Good Thing I Had Plan B

This week saw the debut of the boring brown socks. I think I started knitting on these last summer. I don't even remember the brand of the yarn. It does have tiny flecks of other colors, so it is not totally boring. Unfortunately, many of the more interesting yarns will not go with my work wardrobe.
These are toe-up with an afterthought heel. This was the first time that I used Dawn Brocco's method for the heel. I love this method.
The cuffs are a simple knit 2, purl 2.
I tried knitting in some clear elastic thread at the top of the cuffs. It was not pretty. Also, I don't think that the elastic helped the socks stay up.
I really like doing the afterthought heel, but I think that the first socks that I made with gussets and heel flaps fit my feet better. I will continue to use the afterthought heel if I am doing any stranded colorwork or using a self-striping yarn.
Posted by
Aunt Sally
11:47 PM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Our family has two special birthdays to celebrate today. Niece A turned 5 today. Her party is on Sunday, so I still have time to sew.
My Daddy turned 70 today. So, Daddy, now that I have a blog, I would like to mark this occasion by publicly saying how much I love you and appreciate you!
Happy Birthday Daddyman!
Posted by
Aunt Sally
7:45 PM
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Birthday Sewing Has Started
Niece A turns 5 on Tuesday. I finally found time to start sewing for her. She's old enough now for real buttons and buttonholes.
Her party is on Sunday, so I have a little more time to sew. Just in case this week is too crazy to sew, I bought a gift also. It is so much fun being an aunt.
Posted by
Aunt Sally
8:45 PM
The Fruits of my Labor

Posted by
Aunt Sally
3:31 PM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
I survived.
Three weeks off at Christmas is wonderful! I could not work at the pace required to keep up with my job without some serious down time in between. Fall quarter was really rough because we had a key person unexpectedly leave with little notice and therefore no time to prepare for the transition. My boss decided that I could do two jobs "for a little while". That was August and I'm still doing both.
I had to return to work yesterday. It was a crazy day, and I felt rough at the end. However, I am back in my grove today. Unfortunately, my poor mental and physical state was reflected in Tuesday's knitting, so no pictures today.
The true test will come tomorrow when I have to get the T-man out of bed and awake and in his uniform (he goes to a military prep school) instead of just awake enough to stumble over to his grandparents' house while still in his pj's to go back to sleep in his grandfather's recliner.
I do have some thoughts to share about Christmas music:
1. The Twelve Days of Christmas sung by a rock band is different.
2. Surely the Beach Boys could have come up with a better line than "Christmas comes each time this year." I want to yell "Duh!" every time I hear that.
3. Why did I suggest that my parents buy speakers for Mr. T's ipod?
Posted by
Aunt Sally
8:24 PM
Monday, January 1, 2007
Recent Knitting Projects
My latest project has been knitting mittens for the current CIC challenge which is a special gift for Mittens for Akkol. I like knitting mittens, so I will be knitting for both groups in the future.
Worsted weight yarn, also hand dyed by Kimberly. These are a child's size small. Niece A was asked to try on the first pair so that I could see how they fit. She liked them so much that she asked to keep them. Of course, Aunt Sally did not say no.

The Kelazon!

Posted by
Aunt Sally
4:26 PM
My First Blog Post

Niece A and Niece K both got American Girl dolls for Christmas from their grandparents (my parents). Niece A is older and already has a more economical version of the doll and lots of clothes. But Niece K needed some clothes right away. Her mother is a nurse, so I made her doll a mix-and-match scrubs wardrobe. She also got a pair of flare jeans and a red T-shirt. Both nieces have birthdays coming up so I will be sewing and knitting more.
Posted by
Aunt Sally
12:08 AM