Kim a post with a picture.
Niece A wanted some pink
Fuzzy Feet . I finally managed to get her and yarn in the same place long enough to get it done. Doesn't she look cute even when all you can see is her feet? This girl is going to be a knitter. I just have to visit without taking the T-man so that we can have another knitting lesson. When the T-man is around, neither niece will have anything to do with anyone else. And even though he is almost a teenager (see sidebar for a countdown) he is so good about playing with younger children and helping take care of them.
These were knit and felted in one day. My right hand was pretty sore the next day, but I was determined to finish. I used the
Fuzzy Feet pattern just for the idea. I used Lamb's Pride bulky (Color M-38 Lotus Pink) since that is what my LYS had. I used size 10.5 needles since that is what I had with me, but I probably could have used bigger. These were done toe up with an afterthought heel. I added Little Flowers (at least that is what I think it is called, label is missing) around the ankle. I should have used two strands of it. A friend of mine had used some in a felted purse and it looked great. I'm a little disappointed with these, but since niece A is a growing girl and she has never shown any indication of changing her favorite color, I'll probably get the opportunity to use the rest of the Little Flowers to try it out again.
I know that I have not been good about updating this blog, but I could not help but noticing that my average is 3 posts per month. Now, that is not really reflective of how many times I post each month. The word average can mean many things. (Humor me here, I'm suffering from math withdrawal.) Looking back over my posts I found:
January -- 11
February -- 5
March -- 1
April -- 2
May -- 1
June -- 1
July -- 1
August -- 1
A total of 23 posts divided by 8 months equals 2.9 posts per month which I rounded to 3. This type of average is called a mean, but if you look at the data 3 posts per month is not a very good description of a good start that greatly fizzled.
Another type of average is the median. To find the median, you list the data in order and report the middle value. So, my data in order is:
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 11
Since I have an even number of data items, I have to take the arithmetic mean (average) of the two middle values. 1 + 1 = 2 /2 = 1 So, my median is 1 post per month.
Another way of reporting the average is to use the mode which is the most frequent data value.
The mode for this data is 1.
Anyway you look at it, this blog has been neglected. I'll try to do better.
I know, most everyone who is reading this is shaking their head and wondering why I don't just go and knit instead of doing silly math calculations. Sometimes, I wonder about that myself. It is so strange to not be teaching. I'm enjoying to the new job, but I miss my math. Mr. T started back to school this week, but he refuses to discuss his math with me. I begged, but he would not share.
I hope to have pictures of some other recent knitting to post soon.